I've been following this mag ever since I got a year's free subscription. I must admit, I'm not the type of person that subscribes to magazines. I'd much rather just purchase the ones that I want. I love their strong yet minimalistic covers, and the cover girls themselves. With the somewhat off-beat pictorials and the relevant insights on fashion, media, and music; you'll be addicted. Nylon Magazine deff. has a creative touch like no other.

Lil' Kim

The ads aren't overwhelming and the issues are far from mediocre, and is worth purchasing for the layout alone. Usually, the cover stories they do always gives a new perspective on the celeb, because they tend not to ask the obvious questions, as many magazines do. My personal fav. was the interview with Nicole Ritchie.
I am a huge fan of the beauty pieces which is often based on classic movies, bands, and even the cover girls themselves.
For the Guys out there interested in a good read...

I really like their covers. I cant get them here in Norway sadly..
you and me both! at first i didn't like it that much and expanded version of Urban Outfitters catalogue, but now I'm in love!
I'm sorry Siljes!
Lol Yummy I actually got the free year's subscription from Urban outfitters
I loved the Nicole Richie issue too! It was amazing. Nylon= ♥
wow, i love the covers. i like the one with nicole richie best, and i love the "handwritten" headings on the covers!
by the way, my sunnies are white ^^
aw..more adam brody...one of my fav. actors..sorry, just couldn't help but admit it.
Men's mags make me laugh so much, mainly because of the adverts, they all involve women falling all over men wearing the shirt/suit/scent/watch that they are trying to sell
why are men so simple? ha ha
And the Ash cover is my favourite!
NYlon is really amazing, their fashion youth spirit is something so cool!
thanks a lot for your sweet words yesterday, you are in my blogroll, ok?
a kiss and a hug,
see you,
Nylon magazine or "THE Hype with a Refreshing Face" !!!
Cordially, Antoine
i love how scruffy yet sexy sienna looks on her cover, but ashley olsen is ooohh la la la i love her!!!
what ? lil kim was on the cover ?
odd !
anyways, nylon is fabulous, point finale.
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