Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I've been super busy, and will be for the next couple of weeks. I'll be better about bringing you guys lots of posts... Promise. ANYWHO...
Maybe it's because I saw the Sex and the City movie this weekend and loved every moment of it!
But all of a sudden I am having the urge to wear heels again. I thought I had given up on the Pain is Beauty concept for a more practical and comfortable option... FLATS!!!
I am indeed a Flats Fanatic... I did the whole Heels for every occasion thing a couple of years ago, and enjoyed it but once the flats epidemic hit, my closet and shoe collection hasn't recovered.

Selita always looks fab, even with the bangs. The small detail on the heels gives them an extra flair.
Mischa shows that you can never go wrong with a classic pair of black pumps.
Mariah is the QUEEN of heels... I saw an episode of Cribs where she actually said she has a naturally high arch and she walks on her tippy-toes. Not sure about the outfit, but I deff. love the heels.
I love this picture of Mary-Kate, I loved that she found a stylish yet casual way to wear heels.
Those heels were meant to be seen Rhianna!
Nikki Hilton has great style in my opinion, well better than her sister.
My ideal pair of heels would be a pair of black, peep-toe, slingbacks. My goal this summer (other than making A's in my 2 summer courses)... Is to find a pair.
YSL Tribute Slingback.
doesn't Mariah HAVE to wear heels because of the way her feet are or something? She still looks good in them though
i agree with you, nicky hilton does have great style and is very underrated when it comes to that. But nobody tops the olsens!
i always consider getting Victorias book... i wonder is it any good?
i really love this outfit of mary-kates...and i love wearing heels but usually opt for flats too...
Im still debating over that book....beckham looks so great on the cover.....
I swear I love heels and often buy shoes for their eye candy appeal, but I wish I didn't have so much trouble walking in them. Thanks for the comment on my blog! :)
Oh how I love heels
I think I will wear some tomorrow!
I know what you mean. I used to work in an office and wore super high heels every day until they banned them (one bitch falls and I have to pay for her mistakes). Now that I'm not working anymore, I've been mostly wearing flats and I miss my stilettos. sigh.
Victoriaa... she got the style !!
can i say that we are soooo 'here'!! *my two fingers in a peace sign going back and forth*
while i love a flat to death, i feel like i need a bit more than the jewels at the toes to be glam.. add a nice heel for some real sex appeal... yes i'm into heels again!
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