After this incident I am on the prowl for the perfect undies that; A. Give great Coverage, B. Are comfortable, and C. Are thin enough to wear under sheer fabrics...oh yea and let's not forget D. Are a reasonable Price... As a person who believes you can never have enough under-garments, I was shocked to see I had only a few that met this criteria. Believe it or not I LOVE the Selection of intimates that are Available at the GAPbody store.

Ultra Sheer Bikini
These are the Ultra Sheer Bikini and they're made of a comfortable stretch nylon material
The Hipster
I actually own several pairs of these in different cuts, I don't know how they do it, but these are super smooth and they're also completely seemless, and rather comfy too.
The 'Girl' Short
What a cool name... Ultra Low Stretch Cotton, You can never go wrong with cotton!
GAPbody has become a fav. of mine, they have great quality and comfortable selection of bras and panties that go up to an XXL and a 40DD. Victoria's Secret is great but I've noticed that with all of their Advertising, the quality has deff. fallen. These items can be found on the GAP website.
I had a similar experience in a white skirt on a bridge in london where it just blew right up!
college with no boys sounds good! lolx
OMGosh Coco I could only imagine!
College with no boys lol you can always count on people holding the doors open and baking sweets it has it's perks..
I love the ones you called 'hipsters' and... don't worry everynody will have a marilyn experience once in life ;)
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