All black is very difficult to pull off. Sure it's a way to look a little more edgy, but only if you know how to put it together...

Victoria manages to pull off the All-Black look very well. She looks amazingly stylish!

Kate is usually a
fav. of mine. But this ensemble is a bit much, and the footless leggings
deff. put it over the top!

I love
Thandie's look here. The round toe heels with the black tights, are a wonderful combination. She manages to pull off the head-to-toe black look effortlessly.

Selma, this is why I love you. This look is very fashionable.
One of the most fashionable Father-Daughter duos ever! Zoe looks quite classy in all black. The hair ties on the wrist is a habit of mine also. Don't forget to take those off.

My rule is more than one zipper on anything other than a jacket is just plain tacky. I don't like this look at all

Wow Tracey
Edmonds moves on quickly. I can't stand to see clothing so Tight that you can actually see the spandex stretching within an inch of it's life. She looks
ok, but a
pretty womanish.
Heidi manages to look sexy and fun at the same time.

Ashley looks stunning with this long black gown and leather jacket
selma rocks that black outfit
and zoe is such a big favourite of mine
Lovely blog !
Selma's outfit is very very simple, I love it too.
but sorry, Posh's clothes only look "good" on her, because of her iron-body.
Ooh Thandie always looks amazing - and so does Heidi! skin is too pale and my hair is too dark to pull of all black. Lol!
i'm crazy about the leather look leggings but not entirely certain that i can properly work it
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