I still can not get over the fact that Ashlee Simpson is Pregnant, and Pete Wentz is the father... Poor baby, boy or girl I'm sure it will adore skinny jeans and eyeliner.
Speaking of Ashlee, She recently created a line of shirt for Wetseal...

If you are under the age of 15 and want to purchase any of Ashlee's items you can find them at Wetseal
Another Simpson
Here Jessica Simpson is sucking face with her boyfriend, Tony Somo at his Birthday Party
These two annoy me... Probably because I watched too many episodes of Newlyweds and thought her and Nick were meant for each other...
Alessandra looks amazing. her baby is going to be so cute.
I thought that Jess and Nick were meant for each other too! I believe the only reason their marriage was rocky was because of the constant cameras. As much as I loved watching the show, I would have preferred that maybe it was never created if it meant Nick and Jess would still be together...
Who knows, though. Maybe they'll end up back together one day? :)
I can't believe Alessandra is pregnant. Although it won't even make a difference - as soon as the baby is born, she'll be back to being skinny again anyway, lol!
Pretty dress...
Lol@ Ashlee simpsons baby wearing skinny jeabs and eyeliner! I love your blog name by the way!!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I will be back here mos def..
love alessandra she looks amazing pregnant.
I kinda miss jessica and nick together but you could tell that would not last, he seemed kinda smart and she was sort of an air head!
that cake picture is classy :)
can't wait till ash starts showing, if she is preggers.
Ew, I think I can see tongue in that picture. PDA - Gross! Haha, this post made me laugh.
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