Steve Madden

I first saw these Lego Inspired Balenciaga heels on Beyonce and didn't know what to think of them. Let's just say I did not find them attractive... the whole technicolor transformer thing was a bit too much for me. That being said I still consider most of Balenciaga designs innovative as well as astonishing. Balenciaga heels are a one of a kind extravagance... until now.
Steve Madden has created tacky, cheaply made knock-offs for $100 compared to the over $4000 price tag for the Balenciaga. I am a fan of Steve Madden flats, but I am not a fan of copying at the expense of another person's creativity. This is unforgivable Steve Madden.
I still cant' get over those shoes
it would take beyonce to wear them
I think it's creative but yes over the top.
i'm not suprised, all the high streets are copying designer brands these gives us normal something good to wear and a good price tag :)
steve copied another person idea is a big NO-NO
i don't mind giving us a taste of high fashion at an affordable price like shaz said, but why these hideous, little tyke training high heels lego crap?!
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